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Presentation of hydraulic survey result at Monti di Trapani

Arqueo presented some results of hydraulic survey carried out in the territory of Monti di Trapani, at the school F. Vivona of Calatafimi Segesta

Preview new mobile app "Colli Euganei Cultural Routes"

Preview of the new mobile app of the Colli Euganei Cultural Routes. Available soon on mobile app stores and on the project website. Enjoy!

UNIPA e ARQUEO analizzano le comunità vegetali

UNIPA e ARQUEO analizzano le comunità vegetali e le caratteristiche dendrometriche degli alberi per ricostruire i processi storici e ecologici nell'antico “Bosco della Foresta” (Calatafimi)

Romero Pellitero presented Remote sensing applications

Last Friday Romero Pellitero (UGR) presented "Remote sensing applications in landscape historical analysis" in the Forum: Dialogues on archaeology 7th Edition

Ruiz Ruiz presented the irrigation systems

Last Thursday Ruiz Ruiz (UGR) presented "From the Andalusian irrigation systems to those in colonial Mexico: An Ethnoecology and resilience comparative analysis" at the seminar cycle from EURAME master

Reyes García presented the traditional ecological knowledge

Victoria Reyes García (UAB) presented "Traditional Ecological Knowledge: Dynamics and Challenges" at the seminar cycle title "New approaches for the historic understanding of the socio-environmental realities of Europe and America" organized under the framework of Master From European History into American societies, Power, and Cultures; and in collaboration with MEMOLA project.

Media coverage at Pizzo Monaco

Last week, in collaboration with Municipality of Custonaci, the TGR Mediterraneo reporters (Rai3) has visited the archaeological excavation at Pizzo Monaco.

Hydraulic survey and ethnographic interviews in Monti di Trapani

Arqueoandalusi and the University of Granada have began a new hydraulic survey campaign and ethnographic interviews in the study area of Monti di Trapani (Sicily)

Organically produced Kiwis of ECOCáñar

We started 2017 with the fabulous organically produced kiwis of the Organic Famers association ECOCañar, to the sale in business specialized in production ecological.

Fieldwork carry out by UCO and ARQUEO on local knowledge

Fieldwork carried out by UCO and ARQUEO on local knowledge based on soil and water resources management and crop suitability and its implications for the historical landscape in Monti di Trapani.
